List of Haters who Acted Highly Uncivilized, or Criminally, or Mentally Unsound, or ALL THE ABOVE, and our public responses to their false statements about us, and of their deliberate acts of defamation in attempt to harm our team's very significantly long track record of great success with helping a tremendous amount of our clients throughout many years:  
Mathew Dawson of Northampton County PA, who posted on
[email protected]
Quick Summary: We worked for a very long time on this case, with finding out both parents were implicated for sexual crimes on their 12 year old daughter.  Mr. Mathew Dawson acts like a wanna-be gangster thug with his very lewd and hatred language, attempting to cast blame on everyone else (including our highly dedicated and expert legal investigative team) for all his problems and why we believe (and many others), he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell to be deemed a good parent and be given that child back.  So, time to cast blame on everyone else.  

Melinda Jean Woodard of Shelby County, TN, who posted on
[email protected]
Quick Summary: We worked on this case over a full YEAR, she got both her kids back from CPS, and she then showed extreme bipolarism and narcissism in our very true opinion, to later rant and rave and post falsely on a shady website that we didn't do anything, and that she did all the work.  In one of her emails to us, she wrote: "I believe Hope's bipolar is from her father, he is not stable, he's been violent in the past, he tells fibs all the time!"  Ms. Melinda Jean Woodard herself, was psychologically diagnosed as having a bipolar disorder, yet tried to claim it's the child's father's fault for having that, not hers.

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For Your Due-Diligence - Complaints Made About Us from Haters - Here are the haters who we truly believe are so mentally ill and uncivilized, that they cast blame on practically everyone else surrounding their case (including us after we try our best to help them), and so they enjoy posting nasty defamatory statements on other sites, likely hoping true parents, will believe their lies about us, so they won't try to get the very great help they need, and for them to suffer like these losers (as it's known, misery loves company).  For trying to post a response on those sites, either those websites have "Terms of Use" etc. that once signed, forbids the person to post a copy of their site's contents, etc., that is even if they allow the victim of that defamation to even respond at all.  Really??  So HERE is the truth about those 'complainants' so that our very many Civilized and Mentally Sound future clients can easily do their due-diligence rather than being mislead by miserable band-wagonning unfit or mentally unstable or very uncivil/nasty people.  We are fully state licensed to investigate for the full legal defense of ANY allegations including sexual.  However, please don't let people like Mathew Dawson of Northampton County PA, who emailed us well after we were hired, to inform us that he and his wife were 'Indicated' by the state, on three (3) counts of Sexual Abuse on their Daughter, while before that, taking almost a full month just to answer our standard Case Questionnaire form questions, then later go on to a site like, to blame our highly professional and highly caring legal investigative team, for their own faults, criminal acts, shortcomings, mental illnesses, and utter HATEFULNESS. They are now perpetually placed under investigation for those acts, and anyone is encouraged to contact us if they have also been a victim of their abusive behaviors.  Because true hatful people like Mathew Dawson exist, that is exactly why all of our Service Agreements (as well as State Statutory Laws) permit us to defend ourselves against any public claims made against us with disclosing any and all private and/or formerly confidential information whatsoever about the case so there are no misunderstands about who is making that complaint, their motives, their diagnosis of mental health problems, criminal charges, and more.  Because, NOBODY should be victimized by haters who wish to damage others just so they can feel they have company in their miserable lives. PERIOD. 
Our Team legally investigates all throughout our clients' cases to seek and secure the best legal                           evidence to 
help our clients gain the return of their child or children, while at the same time seeking evidence           for a civil suit for the violation(S) of any laws whatsoever namely, parental civil rights.  We work very hard to seek fairness for all of our clients and 
to put a STOP & END to Court Judicial, DSS, CPS, Fraud and Corruption. "You helped me very much, in fact, much more than I expected towards getting my children back."  Amanda Holston, parent of three children.  We work on CPS cases NATIONWIDE.
ABOUT US - Our Background and Licensed Case Services
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Key News on CPS Corruption & Cases
Landmark CPS Fraud Case
Wilkesboro, NC Case Against the
Important CPS Politics & Laws
Important Politics, Laws, & What YOU CAN DO TO HELP.
Below Left: Wilkes County, NC  Courthouse - Where Inv. Jon Scott's CPS Case Founded Our Help - Right: Parental Rights Private Investigator Jon Scott  
Start With Our Licensed Legal Investigative Case Assessment.  Prospective Clients must begin by having Inv. Jon Scott conduct a quality assessment of their case which includes a consultation about our investigative services.  The fee is $75.00 and is 100% REFUNDABLE IF NOT FULLY SATISFIED (processed and backed by Amazon Consumer Fraud Protection). 
Legally Shutting Down CPS Corruption Since 2009
Welcome to the Nation's First & Still #1 Licensed Investigative CPS Case Defense Team
Home to the nation's original state licensed private investigator who helps people with their CPS cases nationwide.  When you need a highly specialized and experienced state licensed private investigator to help with your CPS case, private investigator Jon Scott has over 25 years total and over 15 years of experience helping his clients reach the very best CPS case results possible.  Private investigator Jon Scott is the original and pioneering licensed investigator for highly effective legal investigative help for CPS cases nationwide, who began helping his clients since 2009 to the present all throughout their cases.  Inv. Jon Scott and team work very hard to make sure our clients are treated fairly and to seek evidence against anyone for violating any civil rights and for seeking criminal prosecutions for the violating of any criminal laws against our clients.  We work very hard to strategically help our clients to overcome all obstacles in their way towards regaining custody.
Site Last Update: 10-12-24