CPS Case Help - Questions & Answers

Index of Q & A's:

How to get help with a CPS case?

How do I get my CPS case dismissed?

What can a private investigator do to help with a CPS case?

Can a private investigator attend a CPS court hearing for me?

Can having a private investigator on my CPS case help me or be an advantage to my CPS case?

Can a private investigator help me sue and build a lawsuit against CPS for violating my rights or CPS fraud?

Can a private investigator investigate a psychologist or psychiatrist in a CPS case for professional negligence, malpractice, fraud, false reports, and false diagnosis?

Can a private investigator conduct a surveillance on the activities of foster parents or temporary guardians in a CPS case?

Can I still get help with a termination of my parental rights in a CPS case?

Is there way to expose CPS for fraud or parental rights violations?

What are the credentials of a private investigator to legally work on CPS cases?

How to get help with a CPS case? 

Most CPS parental rights defense attorneys are court appointed because there are not many attorneys who actually specialize in CPS cases.  There are numerous public accounts that court appointed attorneys for CPS cases typically advise their clients to simply do whatever CPS asks them to do even if it seems unfair or counterproductive.  The attorneys who do handle CPS cases take on these very difficult cases knowing they will be dealing with extremely complex legalities, circumstances and facts that will most often require them taking a great amount of time and personal attention to their client's special and particular situations which is reflected on their high service fees.  Attorneys working on CPS cases are also aware that their hands are tied when it comes to trying to deal with a CPS case due to the fact that they would require a large sum of money which the average parent cannot afford, for the time it would take to litigate these kinds of cases which normally involves the legal civil as well as criminal rights of parents, governmental and statutory laws related to the case, administrative law, professional negligence and malpractice laws pertaining to many cases that involve medical and psychological evaluation reports, as well as federal laws pertaining to the constitutionality of a parent's rights.  

Attorneys are also aware that there are many public accounts of CPS court judges ruling unfairly, CPS fraud, CPS false reporting, and many acts of unfairness processed throughout CPS and a CPS court.  A highly specialized and state licensed private instigator can help his or her client greatly in a CPS case and for significantly less money and in very many legal ways as authorized by law, to help parents with these very vulnerable and difficult cases and situations which again, normally involve multiple groups of laws including civil, criminal, and constitutional, law and rights pertaining to and relevant to the same CPS case.  

A CPS case private investigator is authorized by state law to seek, secure, and prepare many forms of evidence that an attorney is capable of, however if the attorney isn't highly experienced in CPS cases as the licensed investigator, the former then can possibly be not only as effective as the attorney, but in many cases even more effective with securing truly probative (very high quality) evidence that actually makes a large difference in the outcome of the CPS case.  One way to determine whether or not an attorney is experienced or better put, successful with CPS cases, is whether or not they are even concerned about a psychological evaluation his or her client is compelled and forced by CPS to undertake, nor of the outcome of what that psychologist or psychiatrist reports and/or diagnoses.  Perhaps the biggest tell-tale sign of an attorney's lack of care or commitment of seeking the best results for his client's CPS case, is when the client hears or reads the words from their attorney essentially advising to 'just do whatever CPS tells you to do.' and many times followed with "there isn't much I'm able to do".  A specialized CPS case private investigator is relentless, highly assertive, very aggressive, highly case detail oriented, and highly motivated  for legally helping his or her client reach the very best possible outcome for their CPS case (hence the term 'specialized').  A specialized CPS case private investigator can also seek, secure, and prepared evidence that an attorney has missed or neglected in a CPS case, can work with the attorney as a team, and can even build a case against a CPS attorney for willful ineffectiveness, professional negligence, and others causes of actions whenever appropriate.

How do I get my CPS case dismissed?  

Since very few attorneys specialize in CPS cases it makes getting quality legal help for a CPS case very difficult.  A highly specialized state licensed private investigator for CPS cases can work with any court appointed attorney or retained and hired CPS attorney to greatly aid them all throughout the full case, with independently or collaboratively securing and preparing evidence for many hearings, and even testifying in court or VIA zoom or other remote video meeting software, to the evidence the investigator secured and prepared. The CPS case private investigator can also help his or her client if an attorney is not on the CPS case at all or not helping their client's case.  For these and many other beneficial reasons, the addition of having a highly specialized CPS case private investigator on the CPS case creates a much greater chance of a CPS case getting dismissed, just going by the 'dream team' and 'strength in numbers' philosophy alone. When you add the factor of a licensed private investigator for CPS cases having many years of experience specializing in helping parents succeed in regaining custody in a CPS case, that greatly improves the chances and odds of a CPS case getting dismissed.   

What can a private investigator do to help with a CPS case?

Just like most nonspecialized attorneys will not be as effective as those who specialize, the same goes for a state licensed private investigator.  Although both are capable of legally helping a client with a CPS case, one that has much greater experience and especially, who specializes in CPS cases, is expected to have greater capabilities and know-how.  A highly specialized, knowledgeable, and experienced private investigator for CPS cases can work independently directly with his or her client to help gain an understanding of all the circumstances and facts of the case, to seek and secure the highest and most effective evidence and to prepare that evidence for the client's use and benefit in their CPS case.  The specialized private investigator for CPS cases can investigate and seek evidence to help the client accomplish all goals that CPS demands of the parent to do and to help plan and prepare evidence and investigative tasks for all upcoming hearings.  The CPS case private investigator can also seek evidence to prove CPS is willfully delaying a case, CPS fraud, CPS false reporting, any parental rights violations whatsoever, as well as against anyone else connected with the case, such as any attorney who has acted willfully ineffectively, any psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, or other mental health personnel whom have reported false and/or bias information, any medical misdiagnosis, any false laboratory tests, and any other civil wrongs and/or criminal act relevant to the case.  A specialized CPS private investigator working on a CPS case can examine all the case file information available, to seek evidence to refute and rebut any false or exaggerated allegations, to prove or disprove reported information, to determine one or more legal investigative strategies along the way and ongoing of the case for securing probative evidence, catering to relevant new acts and events that unfold as the case progresses. This can include communicating and discussing investigative strategies with the client's attorney if one is working on the case, seeking information and evidence that an attorney may have overlooked, determining if a third person expert may be appropriate (such as another psychological evaluation to refute and rebut an existing one), and very many more things to greatly help his or her client's case.

Can a private investigator attend a CPS court hearing for me?

State licensed private investigators are expected to testify as needed to the evidence they produce and/or evidence or information that is connected and pertaining to investigative efforts, and investigative findings, as well as working with and assisting an attorney in a large variety of ways including many investigative tasks helpful to the lawyer. 

Can having a private investigator on my CPS case help me or be an advantage to my CPS case?

​Having a highly specialized, experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled CPS defense and parental rights defense private investigator on a case can greatly help the outcome and bring a large advantage to client for helping him or her get past legal obstacles and setbacks throughout the case.  Just to name one of the advantages of having a highly specialized CPS parental rights private investigator working on a CPS case is that he or she if so skilled, can prepare demonstrative evidence for the attorney to present to the court, which includes video graphical illustrations and/or full reenactments of various alleged civil wrongs done and/or criminal acts.  The highly specialized CPS defense litigation private investigator is able to work with his or her client and/or with their attorney if they have one, to create both a variety of visual evidence exhibits with animated reconstructions of the alleged events that took place in the CPS case and/or criminal case - to present to the court the most clear and convincing facts of what truly and actually happened in the case, and to disprove any false or exaggerated allegations.  Demonstrative evidence is one of the most probative forms of evidence - which can make that toolset invaluable to the client's case, and again is only one of very many forms of evidence that a specialized private investigator for CPS cases can secure and prepare in a CPS case, and  it can also compel a CPS judge to expedite a case when that judge knows that a skilled CPS litigation investigator is working on the case and can develop a large variety of admissible evidence that the judge must contend with in her or her fact finding process.  CPS judges also seem to move things along in CPS cases once they become aware that a highly qualified, licensed, and detail oriented private investigator is also a member of the parent's legal team.  A CPS court appointed attorney (especially) or paid attorney and a judge may secretly confer in private agreeing to move a CPS case along to the parent's benefit once a licensed private investigator becomes involved in a CPS case.  There has been a well documented judicial "buddy-buddy system" in CPS cases throughout numerous CPS cases.

Can a private investigator help me sue and build a lawsuit against CPS for violating my rights or CPS fraud?

A highly specialized private investigator for the defense of CPS cases and defense of parental rights, who is also highly experienced investigating cases for civil litigations, can also legally seek to secure evidence and of its preparation for a state and/or federal civil rights and other law violations lawsuits using a variety of specialized investigative methods, strategies, knowledge, and tools for securing enough probative evidence worthy of suggesting the pursuit of a lawsuit.  This can include but far from limited to building and routinely maintaining a database compiled of CPS and parental rights cases he or she has investigated, that can be used as a reference to new cases he or she investigates for seeking compounding and corroborative evidence from those prior cases, for proving the same acts happening over and over from the same CPS departments, same CPS case workers, CPS GALs, CPS psychologists and CPS psychiatrists, doctors, willfully ineffective CPS attorneys, law enforcement departments, as well as the judges that permit obvious false and misleading case material to be entered into the court record with no address.

Can a private investigator investigate a psychologist or psychiatrist in a CPS case for malpractice, fraud, false reports, and false diagnosis?

​A private investigator who specializes in investigating psychologist and psychiatrist fraud, malpractice, false psychological evaluation reports, and false phycological and psychiatric diagnosis of disorders in a CPS case is in a very important and needed position for the component of seeking a fair and just outcome of a CPS case, since their exists numerous documentations of fraudulent psychologists and psychiatrists incidences of false diagnosis of disorders, false and misleading evaluation reports, and the very strong lure and motivation of appeasing CPS in collusion by creating those false reports for CPS to be able to create a false case, or, to keep an existing case open for much longer than necessary for the parent to regain custody of their child or children (in other words, very heavily financially motivated psychologists and psychiatrists).

The highly specialized CPS private investigator can seek evidence in many forms that are contrary and refutable to the reported information, diagnosis of disorders, and so-called 'professional' opinions of psychiatric and psychologist practitioners, which may also be confirmed by experts the highly skilled investigator may recommend utilizing for the case.  For securing evidence that refutes the diagnosis of mental health disorders, professional opinions, and things reported as facts, the specialized CPS investigator is required to be extremely detail oriented, very observative, very inquisitive, highly knowledgeable and experienced, and very focused considering the vast amount of information, case records, case discussions and interviews, and ongoing tracking and documenting of case activities.  The CPS private investigator, especially when delving into personal psychological issues, must also maintain an utmost level respectfulness and consideration of his or her client opening a very private door of their personal lives to him or her, as well as showing empathy and moral support as appropriate.

Can a private investigator conduct a surveillance on the activities of foster parents or temporary guardians in a CPS case?

A private investigator can conduct a surveillance on anyone involved in a CPS case and especially on foster parents and temporary guardians and any opposing party to the case such as spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or other family members to secure evidence of the living conditions, verify and document care of the child or children, secure evidence of any acts of child neglect such as failing to use child car seats and child seatbelts, drinking and driving with a child or children, using illegal drugs around the child or children, neglecting to watch and keep an eye on the child or children especially in public or other dangerous places, obtaining evidence of illegal acts such as child sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and child endangerment of any kind. A private investigator's surveillance can also be used to prove who foster parents and temporary guardians and any opposing party to the case such as spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or other family members associate with (such as drug dealers, convicted criminals, bad influencers), home and financial status (work and employment activities to prove income), and evidence that the child or children are being treated with proper love and care which is expected by the court.

Can I still get help with a termination of my parental rights in a CPS case?

Once there has been a court order for termination of parental rights, there are few and far in between attorneys who will continue to seek building a case against a CPS department for violating a parent's constitutional rights pertaining to parental rights. This brings the benefit of hiring a highly specialized and experienced CPS private investigator who takes pride in the challange of an ongoing approach at seeking evidence and of its preparation for a diligent attempt to gain enough proof for the client in pursuing a lawsuit and/or even possible criminal charges against anyone associated with the CPS case. 

The CPS private investigator is lawfully capable and highly specialized in seeking evidence between multiple cases that he or she handles, with a mission to secure corroborative (compounding) evidence gained and added up from more than one case. The specialized private investigator of CPS cases will also have a large database he or she can routinely run searches against to seek matching CPS department cases and matching names of the same CPS staff, CPS social workers, CPS GAL guardian ad litem, names of doctors and psychologists, psychiatrists, law enforcement personnel, and others associated with same or similar CPS cases the lawful CPS defense private investigator has worked on.  

After a termination of parental rights or TPR, a private investigator who is very experienced with CPS cases can also work with his or her client to seek evidence of the child or children's safety, wellbeing, and living conditions at the new home they are living in whether it be foster parents or new parents that have adopted the child or children.  Even with a termination of rights, a CPS and parental rights private investigation can also include verifying whether the foster parents or adopting parents are into drugs, criminal activates, have any bad criminal and/or drug histories, have mental health problems, neglect the child or children such as not buckling them in while driving, drinking and driving with the child or children in the vehicle, using illegal drugs around the child or children, using excessive foul language, teaching immoralities, neglecting to keep an eye on the child or children in public, neglecting to the keep the child or children safe from injures, lude, lascivious, or sexual acts against or in the presence of the child or children, and many other concerns.  A highly skilled and experienced surveillance, records research, interviews, and collaborative tasks conducted by the very involved, caring, and concerned CPS defense and litigation private investigator can also produce possible ways for the parent to stay in touch and/or in communications with the child or children, and with the investigator communicating with a variety of others for seeking to make that possible.

Is there way a to expose CPS for fraud or parental rights violations?

​A private investigator specializing in investigating CPS fraud and parental right violations can whenever appropriate who also use investigative strategies of public exposure of CPS fraud, CPS corruption, parental rights violations, psychologist and psychiatrist fraud, malpractice in a CPS case, false reporting in a CPS case, and false mental health diagnoses of disorders in a CPS case, which can be utilized to expose CPS case fraud as well as psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, and others who commit acts of unfairness, fraud, bad faith, carelessness, professional negligence, malpractice, and violations of state regulated licenses (such as held by psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors). Not only do specialized CPS case private investigators seek evidence in defense of clients, they also seek evidence for criminal prosecutions for CPS fraud and civil rights violations.  Whenever appropriate, a CPS private investigator can also place anyone involved in a CPS case under a legal investigation which may include even confronting them in person on video in public places to ask them very embarrassing questions such as "We as licensed private investigators have evidence that indicates you are committing fraud by making a false report to a court of law, and we are preparing a case for a grand jury's indictment against you - if you would like to have your attorney contact us." We can also post that video online to expose the person to let others who have been wronged by the same person, know that they can also go up against the person too but now with compounding (corroborative) evidence.  We can also contact any family, friends, business associates, co-workers and more for an interview regarding any knowledge or information they may have regarding any CPS worker having any mental health problems, involved in any criminal acts, a history of alcohol or drugs use, a history of dishonesty and/or being unfair or untruthful, financial problems, and many more questions to aid our background investigations. All the above applies to anyone whomsoever associated with the CPS case including an attorney who is willfully acting ineffective and failing to do his or her job ethically.     

What are the credentials and legal requirements of a private investigator to legally work on CPS cases?

Most states are similar to Florida, which has a high and respectable requirement of at least two years of fulltime verifiable experience in a field of professional work directly related to legal investigations such as state and federal law enforcement agencies (employment with police departments, FBI, CIA, DEA, etc.), before granting a state private investigator license.
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