Select CPS news & cases pertaining to injustice.
by Amelia Ferrell Knisely September 17th, 2020
By: Rochelle Alleyne
Posted at 10:54 PM, May 19, 2020 and last updated 9:23 AM, May 20, 2020
Story and Photos by Edward Brown -
March 4, 2020
By Waverly McCarthy and Howard Ballou | June 11, 2019 at 4:12 PM CDT - Updated June 11 at 7:06 PM
June, 2019: A Missouri (MO) and North Carolina (NC) CPS Social Worker who was Lead Investigator, emailed us with Subject Line; "Whistle-blower with evidence", informing of Serious Corruption in her cases. As a result, All MO and NC cases (clients) are currently given significant reduced quotes for hiring us, so that we can utilize this great opportunity for possibly connecting their cases, with any and all new whistle-blower evidence we receive for using that evidence in all new cases and for the securing and perpetration of multi-party or class action lawsuit(s), criminal charges, and other legal consequences as appropriate.
Posted: 4:46 AM, Dec 21, 2018
Updated: 4:46 AM, Dec 21, 2018
By: Associated Press
March 26, 2018 - The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit last week ruled in Demaree v. Pederson that there is no “qualified immunity” for investigators who remove children from a home without a warrant or exigent threat of serious physical harm to the child.This is a welcome decision from a court that had not always been favorable to families.(See Fields v. Palmdale, 2005.)
By Chris Serres Star Tribune
April 25, 2018 — 12:13pm
March 24, 2017 09:20 AM, Updated March 24, 2017 07:33 PM
By Wesley Muller
Inv. Jon S. Summary: Mississippi is the ONLY state that does not permit anyone to obtain a copy of a CPS case file (not even an attorney working on the case). This bizarrely unfair law, only allows an attorney to examine the file at the courthouse and to take notes, and will force anyone who isn't an attorney, to file a motion with the court just to view the file.
09/17/2018, 08:51pm - Chicago Sun Times
Published: 6:26 AM CDT October 9, 2018
Foster Care: “Best Interest of the Child” or “Child Abuse”? - Published on April 15, 2016
Our Team legally investigates all throughout our clients' cases to seek and secure the best legal evidence to
help our clients gain the return of their child or children, while at the same time seeking evidence for a civil suit for the violation(S) of any laws whatsoever namely, parental civil rights. We work very hard to seek fairness for all of our clients and
to put a STOP & END to Court Judicial, DSS, CPS, Fraud and Corruption. "You helped me very much, in fact, much more than I expected towards getting my children back." Amanda Holston, parent of three children. We work on CPS cases NATIONWIDE.
Below Left: Wilkes County, NC Courthouse - Where Inv. Jon Scott's CPS Case Founded Our Help - Right: Parental Rights Private Investigator Jon Scott
Legally Stopping CPS Corruption Since 2009
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Start Now With Our FREE Consultation of Our Highly Specialized, State Licensed, CPS Case Private Investigative Services, Which Includes Our Assessment of Your Case, So That We Can Offer You The Most Fair and Reasonable Quote to Put Inv. Jon Scott Immediately to Work On Your CPS Case. Sign & Send In Our Secure Form To Begin.