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Our "Share the Wealth" Announcement!

Our firm has pledged to show its gratitude and true appreciation for ALL of our very many loyal, highly appreciated, and great team-work oriented clients (and even Assessment Only Prospects), by helping ALL families.  The help and showing of appreciation we are referring to is the payment of part of any future lawsuits (especially multi-party/class-action) that our firm helps to win! This help and showing of appreciation is at our firm's full discretion and choice however - any and all clients whom have been long-term patrons, supporters of our cause, and the very many great clients we've had the honor to help become reunified with their children - will not be forgotten.  We want as many people possible to win - WITH US and to Celebrate Victory TOGETHER.  A donation to our GoFundMe Campaign will also help us to help more good parents!
After the assessment and once hired to investigate, we then give our clients a formal welcome and our full preliminary Case Questionnaire to fill out for our examination and foundation (combined with initial assessment information), to begin with.  This creates our standard foundation for our team to begin our highly specialized legal investigative activities for our very best efforts to help our client's CPS case.
We offer the convenience and peace-of-mind of Amazon Pay for our Investigative Case Assessment.
Once payment is made and Our Terms of Service is Signed for our Investigative Case Assessment, 
you will be called WITHIN 3 Business Days.
Requests For Help - Phone Call for Initial Case Assessment & Consultation (before we are hired)

​Thank you for seeking our firm's highly professional and expert legal private investigative help for your CPS case. Unless there is a posted holiday or other special discount posted on our Home Page, our standard very fair and reasonable $75.00 Initial Case Assessment Fee which is 100% Money-back Satisfaction Guaranteed (by Amazon) covers the costs for our firm to perform your case assessment. This payment also makes it possible for our investigative services to be offered at lower prices to more people, rather than for us only serving wealthy families.  That means if you cannot afford this very fair service fee which also enables us to help more people, then it is very unlikely we can help you - since you would not be contributing towards what's NEEDED for the costs of PROVEN EXPERT HELP offered to the public.  It truly also helps us to lower the costs for EVERYONE.  By law, we can and have charged well higher for just this assessment however, it is currently set at $75.00 for what seems a good average that practically every productive parent can afford.  This fee may however be increased in the future as needed, due to very heavy case-loads we experience at times.  I am Inv. Jon Scott, and have been a licensed private investigator since 1996, and I will be calling you personally once your payment is made and we receive your signed service agreement that follows (submitted from our secure website once re-directed after payment).  Our Service Agreements also provide that all parties will be allowed to record any phone call conversations between us.  This is because we do not act in any way dishonestly, and we very much pride ourselves for holding that standard as sacred, and we want our clients to know they will not be misled nor let down in trust in any way, shape, nor form, so they can record all they want to.

This fee is also applied towards your flat-rate quote for hiring us after the case assessment, (of which fair and reasonable quote shall be based on this case assessment and given to you after the assessment between 1 – 3 business days after we use the assessment to research the people involved, county, jurisdiction, facts, circumstances, cross-reference similar cases, and legalities of your case). 

​We also offer a 100% money-back guarantee of full customer/client satisfaction of our Case Assessment so there is no risk involved for our clients to get started having us professionally assess their cases and determine a fair and reasonable flat-rate quote for hiring us.

​We also accept payment for the Case Assessment VIA Amazon Pay which provides full consumer fraud and scam protection. Once payment is made, you will be directed back to the website to submit your contact information (Name, Number, Email, and brief details you would like to inform us about your case), and to sign our Service Agreement for the nation's leading expert and pioneering parental rights investigator (Inv. Jon Scott) to call you for the assessment within three (3) business days.  Feel welcome to also check our very strong testimonies!

​We also try our best to make our investigative services affordable to everyone, and all persons whom pay for the case assessment will also be included in our list (even if they decide not to hire us after the case assessment), to be considered to receive part of monetary winnings/awards of any and all future lawsuits that our firm helps to win for other clients, where our firm wishes to also financially help these other families that have been victimized by DSS/CPS (especially financially) and in need of such help. We have a strong ethic for us ALL to win together (not just for our firm or the families whom could afford to hire us). Notice: This consideration shall not apply after any Refund is processed. We will also post all lawsuits we have been involved with winning or settling, onto this website.

100% SATISFACTION OF HELP POLICY (Option to Pay No More Than $500.00 Unless Fully Satisfied): 

We offer the flexibility of just $500.00 to begin working on a case, so that our clients can evaluate and determine whether or not they would like to continue receiving our highly experienced parental rights defense investigative help.  This policy is in full effect to help all families of various incomes and as our pledge to show and demonstrate our true ability and effectiveness in helping our clients succeed in their CPS cases.  Our clients will also not be obligated to pay off any balances due if they aren't fully satisfied with our attempt to expertly help and if not truly wanting us to continue working on their case for as long as reasonably takes to achieve the best possible results.  We also offer a significant courtesy reduction for full payment case funding up front (a reduced flat-rate quote that covers all costs) which lets us spend less time on account payments management, and more time on case work.  We pass those savings over to our clients.  All clients receive a full written Service Agreement with all terms put in clear understandable writing - before we are hired.

After the case assessment & consultation of our investigative services, our clients routinely tell us that our quotes are more than fair and of the best value to them for our highly specialized legal investigative services for their CPS cases.  Once hired for ongoing investigation all clients are also able to reasonably call, email, and text Inv. Jon Scott all throughout their entire case for ongoing case collaborations, investigative tasks to complete, investigative consultations, case reviews, and team-oriented case development for the parent or parents to regain custody in their CPS case.
More of Our Past Surveys About Our Investigative Case Assessments:
Video Testimonies After very many years of obtaining numerous audio testimonies from our Investigative Case Assessment prospects, with placing only a very tiny amount on this site, we are finally starting to ask for and cheerfully receive fully volunteered video testimonies from our highly satisfied prospects whom have purchased and received our utmost professional Investigative Case Assessment - and want others to know that we start off on the right foot, with performing at the highest level and in a highly specialized licensed private investigative capacity - for CPS cases.  We will also continue to add more periodically.
Below is an HTML audio player of just a small collection of very many great reviews we've received for our Investigative Case Assessment before we went to video testimonies  They go back many years! Thank you for considering our team's expert and highly specialized legal investigative services for helping you with your CPS case.  Inv. Jon Scott
By making this payment me and/or family member(s) am/are very serious about starting the process for getting the very best possible legal investigative help with my CPS case and want a phone call within three business days by Inv. Jon Scott (The Nation's Pioneering Parental Rights and CPS Case Investigative Expert). If you find any difficulty making the paying with Amazon Pay, we can accommodate the payment with Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, Check or Money Order.  Email us at [email protected] if you want to request any of those other payment options.  Thank you for considering our team's highly specialized legal investigative help all throughout your CPS case - and we hope and would be honored to be working with you soon on your CPS case.
Our Team legally investigates all throughout our clients' cases to seek and secure the best legal                           evidence to 
help our clients gain the return of their child or children, while at the same time seeking evidence           for a civil suit for the violation(S) of any laws whatsoever namely, parental civil rights.  We work very hard to seek fairness for all of our clients and 
to put a STOP & END to Court Judicial, DSS, CPS, Fraud and Corruption. "You helped me very much, in fact, much more than I expected towards getting my children back."  Amanda Holston, parent of three children.  We work on CPS cases NATIONWIDE.
Legally Stopping CPS Corruption Since 2009

Below Left: Wilkes County, NC  Courthouse - Where Inv. Jon Scott's CPS Case Founded Our Help - Right: Parental Rights Private Investigator Jon Scott  
Welcome to the Nation's First & Still #1 Licensed Investigative CPS Case Help Team
ABOUT US - Our Background and Licensed Case Services
CPS Help Questions & Answers
Key News on CPS Corruption & Cases
Landmark CPS Fraud Case
Wilkesboro, NC Case Against the
Important CPS Politics & Laws
Important Politics, Laws, & What YOU CAN DO TO HELP.
Start With Our Licensed Legal Investigative Case Assessment.  Prospective Clients must begin by having Inv. Jon Scott conduct a quality assessment of their case which includes a consultation about our investigative services.  The fee is $75.00 and is 100% REFUNDABLE IF NOT FULLY SATISFIED (processed and backed by Amazon Consumer Fraud Protection).