Admissibility of Private Investigator Evidence             3-18-25 -- A warm welcome to our newest client, Ms. Miranda, S. in Virginia.

"Usually people speculate if the evidence gathered from hired private investigators can be used and hold up in court. 
They can take solace that, when done correctly, the evidence collected by a PI is not only legal but may make the 
difference between winning or losing a case."

Brendan A. Sweeney,
Litigation Attorney at Law

"Jon I found your essay to be excellent in the details. You fleshed out the issues and presented it in simple terms. 
A better job, could not have been asked for. Use me as a reference anytime." 

Richard Molezzo,
Attorney at Law & Prior Professor of Law --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

The above attorney comment was received by email after we built a very strong case for our client who hired us first, before she hired the
attorney (Mr. Molezzo) afterward, who our client later informed he said "I was able to slam dunk the case in court because of their excellent investigative work".  I then emailed to ask Mr. Molezzo for a written testimony and he replied with the statement above.  That case was over 10 years ago, so just think how much even better me and my team have gotten to help our clients over that many years to the present day!  Are you looking for the truly best legal investigative help for your CPS case?  You've Just Found It Here.  Warm regards, Inv. Jon Scott   
Rights, CPS Case, Defense & Litigation 
Investigator. Over 25+ Years Total Career Investigative Experience.
State Licensed Parental Rights Investigator Jon Scott
Inv. Jon Scott. 1995 Graduation of 
of Criminal & Civil Investigations 
Studies, AS Degree
The above email is Reserved for Our Existing Clients ONLY 
For New Clients - Click Here for
an Investigative Assessment (to begin with).
Licensed Parental Rights Priv. Det. Jon Scott for CPS Cases.
As the founder, I truly believe it to be God's will for me to dedicate my time and very devoted help, applying my vast experience as a state licensed private investigator since 1996, helping families dealing with these corrupt and very difficult CPS cases, whom are aware and can appreciate the fact that I've dealt with one myself personally - when they took my beloved son Holden Scott from my loving care many years ago over a one-time accidental swift spanking with a flat light-weight hairbrush that I never used for spanking before that, to the behind only, that left some bruising but did in fact go away fully within three (3) days afterwards.  His pediatrician did a "forensic examination" and reported no injuries at all. I knew I was fully wrong for it and completed THREE (3) psychological  evaluations, MANY hours of counseling, at least 2 parenting courses, 2 anger management courses, paid child support, my child repeatedly said he wanted to be back with me during visits, however nothing seemed to please the corrupt CPS department, nor the judges above it.  This is the case where I investigated the psychologist involved and secured powerful evidence and filed my report with the state which then forced him to relinquish his license.  By Florida Law, I must maintain a history of being honest and likewise, everything represented on this site is 100% factual as indicated or expressed.

From experiencing this very high level of CPS unfairness, CPS fraud, CPS corruption, and CPS unfairness, we have numerous clients whom stated we've helped them far more than their own court appointed or hired attorneys.  We work on cases nationwide for each state remotely from the state the investigator is located and licensed, and will fully direct an associate investigator for any activities needed done in any state of the country.  Our main mission is to help our clients become optimally organized, prepared, to secure and prepare critical  evidence to be entered into the Court Record (finally), for our clients to be treated very fairly, securing and preparing evidence any attorney may have missed, and/or neglected to secure, legally working with (or against) any attorney as necessary, seeking evidence for a possible state and/or federal civil suit for any wrongs done against our client(s) such as false diagnosis by a psychologist trying to appease CPS in collusion, and evidence for a possible full federal lawsuit for parental rights violations.  Our team's best always - Inv. Jon Scott, Founder & National Director
Whenever possible we provide PRO BONO (free) licensed Investigative CPS Case Help, CPS Case Defense, and Investigation for the building of CPS case civil litigation (both state and federal).  All Wilkes County NC CPS cases are either pro bono or greatly reduced since its corrupt CPS department was the reason why Inv. Jon Scott is still helping parents to this day with their unfair, fraudulent, and false CPS cases.  Please Support Us Through Our GoFundMe To Make It Possible For Helping More Financially Challenged GOOD Parents Afford The Best Help Possible. THANK YOU!
A great text from one of our many Clients (fully reunified back with her child).
Home - All Contents Herein Is/Are Copyright (c) 2025 - All Rights Reserved Company Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

Greetings, since 2009 I am Jon Scott, the nation's original state licensed private investigator who helps people with their CPS cases nationwide.  When you need a highly specialized and experienced state licensed private investigator to help with your CPS case, I have over 25 years total and over 15 years of experience helping my clients reach the very best CPS case results possible nationwide.  I have helped my clients all throughout their CPS cases with securing and preparing more useful, high quality, and effective evidence for their cases even than their hired or court appointed attorneys (which has been done on almost every single case) and continue to do so which is a big reason why very many have regained custody with my personal help and team nationwide.

Me and the team work very hard to make sure our clients are treated very fairly, to help them gain the highest quality of evidence and help with overcoming any obstacles in their way towards regaining the custody of their child or children, seeking evidence against anyone for violating any civil rights, and for seeking criminal prosecutions for the violating of any criminal laws against our clients.  We work very hard to strategically help our clients overcome all obstacles in their way towards regaining custody in their CPS case.  All of our CPS case service agreements also include investigative criminal defense of any criminal charges whatsoever either pending and/or anticipated against our clients, since CPS always connects relevant criminal matters to their CPS cases (just like they did in my case that I had the court finally dismiss those charges).  Our team are also experts at investigating to secure the highest possible evidence to eliminate, refute, rebut, or reduce wrongful criminal charges and/or allegations against our clients.  Our work product has created the means for many of our clients to be free of false criminal charges and we work with any and all attorneys as appropriate, including court appointed and hired attorneys, and are experts in discovering and securing evidence that they have missed or overlooked, or completely neglected to present to the court.  We are also authorized by state law to seek evidence against any attorney for willful CPS case ineffectiveness.

What are the credentials and legal requirements of a private investigator to legally work on CPS cases?
Most states require at least two years of fulltime verifiable experience in a field of professional work directly related to legal investigations such as state and federal law enforcement agencies (employment with police departments, FBI, CIA, DEA, etc.), before granting a state private investigator license.  Your Inv. Jon Scott has earned that Florida license way back in 1996 and was the youngest student in the college graduated from for a science degree covering both civil and criminal investigations very thoroughly.  We work remotely from the state we are lawfully authorized, will attend zoom court hearings whenever needed to testify to our investigative evidence, and will direct any of our associate investigators nationwide to do whatever is needed in person for any state in the country and have helped 1000s of clients nationwide and even abroad.  We have helped our clients greatly with and without them having an attorney on their case.
9-18-24 Email from our clients Ms. Michelle & Mr. Hung T:

"I'm sorry I'm writing you a little late but today was an amazing day, best day of our family's lives.  We really appreciate your team and your our family.  We will never forget about your help with our kids.  My life would be worth nothing but because of return my child special forces, your our Angels, case dropped - Thank you."  Watch YouTube video of our clients reunified back with their children.

1-1-25 Latest email from same clients:

"Returnmychild Support,

On behalf of our family, we extend our deepest gratitude for your invaluable assistance in bringing our children home this year. Your dedication and the tireless efforts of your team have made an immeasurable difference in our lives. We are eternally grateful for your support and will always cherish the positive impact you have had on our family. We are truly thankful for your partnership and the unwavering commitment you demonstrated throughout this process.

Happy New Year Trans Family"  -- Update: March, 2025: Thank you for your $200.00 GoFundMe donation that we will use to offer a lower
quote for helping another family!   Inv. Jon Scott Note: This case involved both Las Vegas & Florida.  All children were returned back to our clients in Las Vegas with that CPS case closed, and Florida charges dropped.  We also consulted with our clients even when incarcerated with accepting calls from the jail, to steadily keep working on the case as a team.  
        Our Commitment to Our Clients: 

  • We very assertively and aggressively work to secure the ultimate and best evidence and prepare it for our clients to help them regain custody of their child or children in a CPS case, and getting any criminal charges dropped or reduced related to a CPS case as appropriate.

  • ​We seek evidence for legally holding those accountable for violating any laws or rights of our clients in a CPS case. When we and our client feels it is necessary, to seek evidence for exposing CPS fraud and CPS corruption, creating public embarrassment and humiliations, legally contacting and questioning family, friends, coworkers, employers, landlords, and others for gaining evidence and backgrounds on members and associates of CPS, even in person and on video if that's what it takes.  We have also brought in the FBI to work with us and will do so as needed.  Our fair legal warning to CPS:  WE DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH CPS CASES.  "This site is an occupational hazard" (CPS social worker's court statement in 2009, Ms. Mary Severt who retired after working on Inv. Jon Scott's CPS case). 

  • We expertly seek evidence for our clients to use towards pursuing a State and/or Federal Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit and/or other tort (civil wrong or injury) lawsuit in a CPS case, such as for CPS fraud, CPS parental rights violations, other civil rights violations, professional negligence, malpractice, CPS extortion, CPS coercion, CPS false reporting, CPS deception, CPS Duress, and all others.
ABOUT US - Our Background and Licensed Case Services
CPS Help Questions & Answers
Key News on CPS Corruption & Cases
Landmark CPS Fraud Case
Wilkesboro, NC Case Against the
Important CPS Politics & Laws
Important Politics, Laws, & What YOU CAN DO TO HELP.
Start Now With Our Low Fee $30.00 Consultation of Our Highly Specialized, State Licensed, CPS Case Private Investigative Services, That Includes An Assessment of Your Case, For You To Receive A Very Fair and Reasonable Quote to Put Me, Inv. Jon Scott Immediately To Work On Your CPS Case Ongoing.  Sign & Send In Our Secure Form To Begin.
We are the one, only, and original fully licensed investigative group, tremendously helping clients with their CPS cases nationwide.

We would like to welcome you to our fully state licensed investigative agency, helping parents nationwide with DSS/CPS cases. With having over twenty-five years of expert investigative experience combined with the highest of academic training, our investigative firm and/or its chief investigator Jon Scott, has created and developed the much needed specialization of providing the highest level of expertise in fully state licensed investigative services for each state of the United States as hired from the originating state where the lawful licensed professional is located - in parental rights defense and litigation investigations. Our firm has clients in almost every state of the country whom are dealing with a corrupt CPS Child Protective Services department.

Our firm legally investigates all United States Departments of Social Services (DSS), namely we investigate Child Protective Services fraud, we investigate child protective services corruption, (we investigate CPS fraud and we investigate CPS corruption), we investigate and provide help for DSS Corruption (help for Department of Social Services Corruption), we investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Corruption, (help for CPS corruption), investigate and provide help for Social Services Fraud, (help for DSS Fraud), investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Fraud (help for CPS Fraud), investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Corruption (help for Child Protective Services corruption), investigate and provide help for Parental Rights Violations, and namely, expert Parental Rights Defense Investigations and are Parental Rights Defense Investigators. Many times, our clients hire us and get all the results they are looking for - without ever hiring an attorney, or AFTER hiring one or more attorneys whom have done little to nothing to help them. 


As expert parental rights defense investigators, as well as parental rights civil litigation investigative experts, Child Protective Services civil litigation investigative experts, our team produces unsurpassed results for our clients. Namely, we in fact have a strong track record of investigating and seeking justice for DSS Social Services Fraud, investigating and seeking justice for CPS Child Protective Services Fraud, investigating and seeking justice for Child Protective Services Corruption - which many times has resulted in the return of the children back to our clients. 

Our firm fully investigates Child Protective Services corruption cases where our powerful investigative efforts have in fact been the exact reason why many of our clients' children have been returned to them. Our clients thank us over and over again for being the one true reason why they've been able to finally get back their child or children, and to also pursue the most probative evidence towards preparing it for trial against these corrupt persons and their departments. 

We investigate to secure evidence and prepare it for Federal and civil lawsuits against DSS fraud, Federal and civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services fraud (lawsuits against CPS fraud), civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services corruption (lawsuits against CPS corruption), civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services parental rights violations (lawsuits against CPS parental rights violations), and civil lawsuits against the Department of Social Services (civil lawsuits against DSS).

Our firm takes every legal step necessary to investigate complaints against Child Protective Services (complaints against CPS), complaints against child protective services fraud (complaints against CPS fraud), and complaints against child protective services corruption (complaints against CPS corruption). Our very strategic planning and actions work to investigate DSS fraud, investigate Child Protective Services fraud (CPS fraud) and investigate Child Protective Services corruption (CPS corruption) against these criminals to seek indictments for the arrests of fraudulent Child Protective Services case workers (arrests of fraudulent CPS case workers), arrests for fraudulent DSS workers, Child Protective Services committing fraud and violating parental rights (CPS committing fraud and violating parental rights), Child Protective Services case workers committing fraud and violating parental rights, arrests and lawsuits against corrupt Child Protective Services social workers, staff, and administrators.

We also hold that nobody is above the law, not even judges. Whereas, our very powerful investigative strategies and courses of action our firm takes, goes all the way to the top of the illegal food chain of Child Protective Services corruption to include the seeking of a Grand Jury indictment against any judge or others who or whom knowingly commits Child Protective Services fraud and corruption. We are also fully state licensed to secure any and all evidence and to prepare it to be used before committees, boards of award and arbitration, as well as for full civil and criminal jury trials. 

With over twenty-five (25) years beginning with obtaining the very highest of academic legal studies, then going on to conduct thousands of fully state licensed investigations combining a large variety of both civil and criminal issues - and now, at over sixteen (16) years beginning from founding and creating this investigative specialization of Parental Right Investigations, to the full day-to-day continuance of making it more effective for each new case and with consistently producing better results on cases throughout all of these years - I can say with absolute honesty an assurance that our clients can count on our firm to work on their case with utmost care, professionalism, expertise, efficiency, attention to detail, integrity, and passion to win, find justice, reach all legal investigative goals and objectives, and to gain the highest of prosperity for our clients. That is my personal promise and commitment. 

We provide the ultimate help with child protective services fraud (help with CPS fraud), and the ultimate help with child protective services corruption (help with CPS corruption) for each and every state as hired from the state the licensed professional is located. Our services provide investigative defense of CPS cases, defense of fraudulent CPS cases, defense of CPS fraud, defense of corrupt CPS, defense of CPS violations, defense of CPS rights violations, and defense of DSS cases. We provide help for DSS CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Alabama, CPS child protective services CPS fraud and child protective services corruption in Alaska, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Arizona, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Arkansas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in California, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Colorado, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Delaware, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in District of Columbia (D.C. or DC), CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Florida, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Georgia, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Hawaii, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Idaho, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Illinois, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Indiana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Iowa, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Kansas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Kentucky, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Louisiana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Maine, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Maryland, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Massachusetts, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Michigan, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Minnesota, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Mississippi, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Missouri, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Montana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Nebraska, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Nevada, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Hampshire, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Jersey, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Mexico, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New York, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in North Carolina, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in North Dakota, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Ohio, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Oklahoma, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Oregon, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Pennsylvania, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Rhode Island, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in South Carolina, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Tennessee, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Texas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Utah, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Vermont, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in CPS Virginia, child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Washington, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in West Virginia, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Wisconsin, and CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Wyoming. Our investigative services are for CPS defense, child protective services defense, DSS defense, department of social services defense, child protective services defense, CPS lawsuits, CPS Federal lawsuits, CPS class action lawsuits, CPS complaints, CPS complaint, complaints against CPS, complaint against CPS for fraud, complaint against CPS for corruption, complaint against CPS for lying, complaint against CPS for false report, complaint against CPS for malpractice, complaint against CPS for child endangerment, complaint against CPS for violating laws, complaint against CPS for violating rights, victim of CPS fraud, victim of CPS corruption, victim of CPS false report, victim of CPS lying, victim of corrupt CPS judge, victim of CPS crime, victim of CPS judge terminating parental rights, illegal termination of parental rights in CPS case, victim of parental constitutional rights violation, victim of Federal parental rights violation, victim of custody rights violation, illegal CPS custody of child, CPS racketeering investigation, illegal child kidnapping by CPS, CPS illegal child kidnapping, complaint against GAL guardian ad litem, GAL guardian ad litem fraud, GAL guardian ad litem lying, corrupt GAL guardian ad litem, false psychological evaluation report, false CPS evaluation report, false CPS psychological evaluation report, corrupt CPS psychologist, CPS psychologist fraud, CPS psychologist corruption, complaint against CPS psychologist, false psychological report, false psychological evaluation, file complaint against psychologist for fraud, file complaint against psychologist for false report file complaint against CPS for fraud, sue CPS for fraud, sue CPS for corruption, hire attorney for CPS case (as licensed investigators we will only refer one), and case defense investigative services are for each and ever state of the united states and hired from the state where the investigator is licensed.

​Our team's best always,
Inv. Jon Scott, State Licensed, Pioneer
of Parental Rights & CPS Investigations,
Highly Specialized Private Investigation for
CPS Cases & Parental Rights Litigation, 
National Director of Investigations,
Degree in Civil & Criminal Investigations (1995),
Professed by Ex-Federal Investigator,
25+ Total Years of Investigative Exp.
New in 2025!  Inv. Jon Scott's pledge to make more cases FREE, even if that means later reimbursing our clients for service fees if we are financially able to do so some time down the road.  Not a guarantee, however it is a true pledge to help more parents in need who cannot afford the costs for highly specialized legal and state licensed private investigative services in defense of their CPS cases, and for developing litigation evidence for parental rights violations.  Click here to learn more about our pledge to make more cases FREE.
Our Team legally investigates all throughout our clients' cases to seek and secure the best legal evidence to help our clients gain the return of their child or children, while at the same time seeking evidence for a civil suit for the violation(S) of any laws whatsoever namely, parental civil rights.  We work very hard to seek fairness for all of our clients and to put a STOP & END to Court Judicial, DSS, CPS, Fraud and Corruption. "You helped me very much, in fact, much more than I expected towards getting my children back."  Amanda Holston, parent of three children.  We work on CPS cases NATIONWIDE.
Below Left: Wilkes County, NC  Courthouse - Where Inv. Jon Scott's CPS Case Founded Our Help - Right: Parental Rights Private Investigator Jon Scott  
Legally Stopping CPS Corruption Since 2009
Welcome to the Nation's First & Still #1 Licensed Investigative CPS Case Help Team
Site Last Update: 3-19-25
Since 2009!