Here is me and my son well before he turned age one, when I moved to NC from FL to take care of him. All there has ever been was tremendous fatherly love, care, guidance, affection, and companionship of father and son, where Mr. Paul W. Freeman, Jr. (DSS's Attorney) makes continuous false claims, deceptions, and misleading statements and pleadings to the court implying and suggesting that I've not been a part of my son's life. As everyone whom knows me personally, and as can be clearly seen from this timeline of photos and even additional videos, Mr. Paul Freeman's information is clearly willfully false and misleading information, which has cost me the love and enjoyment of my own son since 11-16-2009, when they took him from my perfectly good home. He has also cost taxpayers thousands of dollars, if not well over one-hundred thousand dollars or more in wasted, misappropriated, and quick frankly, racketeered funding of a DSS-CPS case having no legitimate merit to warrant the taking away of my son, nor in perpetuating willful false and misleading claims and allegations, where every significant part has been entirely contradicted by FACTUAL EVIDENCE. For one last note, most if not all of these pictures have also been submitted into evidence as "Father's Exhibits" which is another reason it's very hard to understand how a judge could look at a very reasonably solid, continuing, and perpetual timeline of me being a big part my son's life and also accounting for being a very loving, guiding, and nurturing father all throughout.