Here is me and my son well before he turned age one, when I moved to NC from FL to take care of him. All there has ever been was tremendous fatherly love, care, guidance, affection, and companionship of father and son, where Mr. Paul W. Freeman, Jr. (DSS's Attorney) makes continuous false claims, deceptions, and misleading statements and pleadings to the court implying and suggesting that I've not been a part of my son's life.  As everyone whom knows me personally, and as can be clearly seen from this timeline of photos and even additional videos, Mr. Paul Freeman's information is clearly willfully false and misleading information, which has cost me the love and enjoyment of my own son since 11-16-2009, when they took him from my perfectly good home.  He has also cost taxpayers thousands of dollars, if not well over one-hundred thousand dollars or more in wasted, misappropriated, and quick frankly, racketeered funding of a DSS-CPS case having no legitimate merit to warrant the taking away of my son, nor in perpetuating willful false and misleading claims and allegations, where every significant part has been entirely contradicted by FACTUAL EVIDENCE.  For one last note, most if not all of these pictures have also been submitted into evidence as "Father's Exhibits" which is another reason it's very hard to understand how a judge could look at a very reasonably solid, continuing, and perpetual timeline of me being a big part my son's life and also accounting for being a very loving, guiding, and nurturing father all throughout.
Here is a Timeline of photos showing me and my son together since he was a baby and how much I've always loved him and been blessed to be the father of such a wonderful son. 
VIDEOS coming Soon

All Contents Herein - Copyright (c) 2009 - 2025 Jon S. - All Rights Reserved - 
Here is me and my son around age two, living together when I moved to NC from FL to take care of him at my apartment.  All there has ever been was tremendous love and affection of father and son, where Mr. Paul W. Freeman, Jr. (DSS's Attorney) makes continuous false claims, deceptions, and misleading statements and pleadings to the court implying and suggesting that I've not been a part of my son's life.  As everyone whom knows me personally, and as can be clearly seen from this timeline of photos and even additional videos, Mr. Paul Freeman's information is clearly false and misleading information, which has cost me the love and enjoyment of my own son since 11-16-2009, when they took him from my perfectly good home.
Here is me and my son around two and a half.
Here is me and my son around two and a halfliving with me (his Father) and making use of very long used and soon to be retired (at that time) laptop.  As can be clearly seen, I love my son very much and always have provided lots of love, attention, care, and close companionship time together.  
We are watching something on the laptop - likely a children's story.
Here is me and my son around age two and a half living together at my apartment. You are seeing many pictures showing consistency of a very happy child living with me, his Father.  There is no facade.  My son is being his happy self as he always has been around me.  Likewise, how does Mr. Paul W. Freeman suggest that I haven't been a part of my son's life? Proof CPS attorney Paul W. Freeman is a bold-faced LIAR.
Here is me and my son around two and a half. I took every one of these pictures myself knowing how lucky and blessed I am to have such a wonderful son.  I never imagined that the same very loved, healthy, happy, and prospering child he has always been, would later be declared as an abused and neglected child, for a one time only, accidental swirft spanking to his behind ONLY, with a lightweight wide flat hair brush (that I later threw in the garbage) and that has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.  From these pictures alone, you can see quite clearly just how very close me and my son have been and how much I've always loved and cared for him DEARLY.  
Here my son is around three and a half to four where he has been living with me very happily for around a year of more and as you can see, I routinely spent quality time with him in both indoors and outdoor activities where he is enjoying the play set at our neighbor's yard.  Our neighbors also gave a statement essentially that they've always seen my son very happy and thriving with no indications of abusiveness or neglect at all - just the opposite - GREAT LOVE, CARE, COMPANIONSHIP, TEACHINGS, PARENTAL GUIDANCE & DIRECTION and more.  Again, I took all these pictures myself and also gave him the haircut you see!  
Here's where it starts to get particularly disturbing to everyone whom has found out about the true details of this situation.  You are now seeing the most recent and final sets of pictures I have of my son while he was still in my custody and care, thriving and having a wonderful time as always with me, his father.  The bottom three pictures have been verified to be taken on 9-24-09.  He was removed from my home on: 11-16-2009 (less than two and a half months apart from the day they took him from my home and custody.  Please scroll down to see something even more unbelievable; a photo collection made just a day before they took him from my home and custody.  
Taken less than 2.5 months before CPS and the Wilkes County Court removed my son from his perfectly good home 
November 15, 2009
All of the following pictures were taken (by me) one single day before DSS and the Wilkes County Court removed my son from his perfectly good home and as can be easily seen, he is in very good hands and having an outstanding time with me, his father, in the front yard of our home playing with a radio controlled big-truck. They took him out of this very loving and caring home I worked very hard to provide, to be the best possible father I could be and to learn from my mistakes.  You are now seeing, exactly what CPS has been claiming is a "dangerous environment."  May God Bless You for Enduring This Incredible Sadness and Pain With Me.  I now make it a life goal to make sure this doesn't keep happening to other families.
For that alone, my son will always be MY HERO - he's made it possible for me and my strong investigative team to learn how CPS plays their game for money and how to legally put a stop to it utilizing my extensive legal investigative training and experience.